Willy Chen Programmer • Android Developer

About me

What can I do for you?

  1. Proficient in official Android libraries such as Jetpack Compose, LiveData, ViewBinding, NavGraph, Coroutine, etc.
  2. Experienced in native Android app development, proficient in Kotlin or Java programming languages.
  3. Capable of assisting in development using the MVVM architecture.
  4. Able to develop Bluetooth apps (previously integrated Bluetooth using Modbus protocol).
  5. Capable of developing Android apps for POS terminals.
  6. Proficient in using AIDL for development.
  7. Capable of fully implementing UI/UX designs as provided by designers into Android apps.
  8. Capable of adjusting databases or persistent data storage, such as Room, SQLite, MMKV, SharedPreferences.
  9. Capable of assisting in developing accessibility services, and Device Owner features.
  10. Able to assist in version compatibility from Android 5.0 to 16.
  11. Experienced in developing Android apps from scratch.
  12. Developed various commercial apps with extensive experience (over 50M downloads).
  13. Proficient in integrating common third-party libraries such as OkHttp, Retrofit, and dependency injection tools like Dagger, Koin, etc.
  14. Capable of integrating third-party APIs such as Facebook API, AWS S3, Lambda, Google, Line, Huawei SDK, etc.
  15. Can provide assistance for other integration needs by studying and developing based on provided documentation.
  16. Capable of debugging bugs, such as those discovered during QA testing, and can review any source code to identify issues.
  17. Can guide you through reading source code of projects.
  18. Willing to collaborate using Git to ensure code synchronization.
  19. Can assist in using Git commands and provide guidance if needed.

Android Experience

Subject Skill
Language Kotlin, Java
Android View Jetpack compose, AndroidX origin layout
Android Offen Use Library Livedata, Viewmodel, ViewBinding, NavGraph
Local Data Room, SQLite
Android Architecture MVVM
Third-Party Service Facebook, AWS S3, Lambda, Google map, Huawei SDK, Line api, Samsung Knox, Appium, Chat-gpt API
Push Notification FCM, Huawei push kit
Asynchronous Programming Thread, AsyncTask, Handler, Coroutine
Android Compatibility Android 5~14
Dependency Inject Dagger, Koin
Flow Control RxJava, Kotlin Flow
Network OkHttp, Retrofit,HttpClient
IPC Socket, AIDL, BroadCast, Messenger, ContentProvider
Others AndroidX, Singleton, Gson, Glide/Picasso...

Featured Projects

Android Mobile Device Management Solution App


I am maintaining and developing multiple apps primarily using Kotlin here. These apps offer complete UI/UX design with accompanying graphics, and I am capable of fully implementing them. We utilize libraries such as ViewBinding, ViewModel, and LiveData to enable robust functionality.

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55688 Taxi Dispatch App


Our app is an on-demand taxi dispatching platform that retrieves relevant services through a request to the backend GIS system. I used the VIPER architecture and refactored the app using Kotlin. My responsibilities included developing the new features, developing custom UI, and integrating with backend services or third-party services.

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Bluetooth controller Android app


This app is designed to remotely control Bluetooth devices using Modbus registers. User can interact with the app to manipulate the status of the Bluetooth device through various Modbus address. In addition, I have also utilized Appium for automated testing of this project.

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POS Terminal Management App


Our app manages POS terminals by integrating with Cashub Agent to achieve the required functionality. I designed the user interface to present the features that have already been implemented in Cashub Agent.

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Personal website


This is my personal website where I document my past development experiences and share educational articles. The website is primarily built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Jekyll plugins.

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Health and Fitness Data App


I am responsible for the "Vitality Coach" section of this app, developed primarily using Kotlin. During the development process, I also utilized NavGraph, viewbinding, MVVM architecture, and MPAndroidchart, among other tools.

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