Android Low Energy Bluetooth Gatt Connection Tutorial: Implementing with Kotlin


I spent some time reviewing the Low Energy Bluetooth connection I implemented in previous work.
Because I was worried I might forget,
I wanted to revisit and document it,
hoping it can also help those who need to implement it.

After Android 12, new permission-related handling was added, so take note!
Here is how I handled it, for your reference:

The ultimate goal is this
To integrate with previous Jetpack Compose practices
Making the data real and existent

And finally, to connect to Gatt Bluetooth

Basic Concepts

First, let’s introduce
the methods of Bluetooth scanning
There are roughly three

BluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery() -> Scans both classic Bluetooth and BLE Bluetooth
BluetoothAdapter.startLeScan() -> Used to scan Low Energy Bluetooth —- Deprecated
BluetoothLeScanner.startScan() -> New BLE scanning method

However, looking at the API notes
startLeScan is currently deprecated
It was deprecated in API 21

I also checked various APIs for discovering Bluetooth devices for comparison

fun startDiscovery ():boolean

  1. The scanning process usually runs for 12 seconds
  2. It is an asynchronous call
  3. Executed through registering broadcasts for different steps, such as:
    ACTION_DISCOVERY_STARTED -> When Discovery starts
    ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED -> When Discovery finishes
    BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND -> When a Bluetooth device is found
  4. When connecting to a Bluetooth device
    It cannot be in startDiscovery
    You need to call cancelDiscovery() to end the discovery
  5. Discovery is not managed by the Activity

    But by the system service
    So, to be safe, you must use cancelDiscovery()
    To ensure Discovery is not running
    To avoid the device still being in Discovery
    when connecting to a Bluetooth device
  6. Discovery can only find currently discoverable Bluetooth devices
  7. ```markdown
  8. Observe if ACTION_STATE_CHANGED is STATE_ON If the current Bluetooth state is not STATE_ON, the API will return false
    Used to determine if the current state is one where updated values can be obtained
  9. If the target version used is less than or equal to Build.VERSION_CODES#R
    You need to request the Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission from the user
  10. If the target version used is greater than or equal to Build.VERSION_CODES#S
    You need to request the Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission from the user
  11. Additionally
    You can request the Manifest.permission#ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
    To increase the types of interactive Bluetooth devices
    Of course, you can also add the usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" tag in uses-permission
    To avoid requesting location permissions
    But the types of devices that can be searched will be limited
fun startScan ( callback:ScanCallback )

fun startScan(filters:List<ScanFilter>,settings:ScanSettings,callback:ScanCallback)

Actual Development: How to Perform Bluetooth Scanning

Add the required permissions mentioned above in the manifest

Request Permissions in the Code

Below is an extension
that can be used universally

Obtain an Instance of BluetoothAdapter

private val bluetoothAdapter: BluetoothAdapter? = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter()
Register to Receive Broadcasts

Register to listen for BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND

val filter = IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND)
    requireContext().registerReceiver(receiver, filter)

Extend a BroadcastReceiver
and use the receiver type to return the result bleDevice

private val receiver = DeviceListBoardCast { bleDevice ->



val device: BluetoothDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE)!!
val rssi = intent.getShortExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_RSSI, Short.MIN_VALUE).toInt()
val uuidExtra = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_UUID)



所以開始分別可以用startDiscovery、cancelDiscovery 來開始或結束掃描


做到用viewmodel紀錄刷新狀態,並透過coroutine掃描指定秒數 x 秒

掃描的結果會返回剛剛DeviceListBoardCast {}內,

private val receiver = DeviceListBoardCast { bleDevice ->




在該service內創建一個 initialize()函式



1. onConnectionStateChange ->返回藍芽狀態
2. 當執行discoverServices() 去找現有的ble
3. 有個方法setCharacteristicNotification
When the Bluetooth device value changes, it will notify you with onCharacteristicChanged
4. Then, writeCharacteristic allows you to write values into the specified Characteristic
Similarly, when there is a result, it will go to

gattCallback example:

Start Connection

Create a connect function
The main part is to connect using the following two lines

val device = bluetoothAdapter!!.getRemoteDevice(address)


bluetoothGatt = device.connectGatt(this, false, gattCallback)

Pass the address you want to connect to
Get the BluetoothDevice you want to connect to
Then use the connectGatt method in the device to bind the Gatt device
Of course, you also need to pass in the gattCallback written earlier
The previous part is just a series of null checks
To ensure the app does not crash due to null

In the instantiation of gattCallback,
you will find a method named broadcastUpdate.
This method is mainly used to send broadcast messages,
you can define what to do in different situations according to your needs,
or what broadcast messages to return.

Simple connection and device search
That’s about it

Next, the most important thing in Bluetooth is communication between terminals
So if you want to send and receive data
You need to find the service and characteristic
Here is a diagram

Cover This is a general relationship diagram when connecting Bluetooth

So we find it through the following method:
Bring in the gatt service obtained through the broadcast earlier
Then you can traverse to get the characteristic

Since the official Android has already wrapped the characteristic class for you
To read, you just need to call the relevant function:

And it will return to you in the previously defined BluetoothGattCallback
You just need to define the broadcast reception to get the data

Additionally, there is also a notify method in Bluetooth:

Similarly, it returns the result
In BluetoothGattCallback
Check onCharacteristicChanged

If you want to see how to capture Bluetooth packets through third-party tools
You can refer to:

Bluetooth Module Notes: Includes Classic Bluetooth (BT) and Low Energy Bluetooth (LTE)
Classic Bluetooth (BT)

Includes Bluetooth 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.0+EDR / 2.1+EDR / 3.0+EDR and other developments and improvements
Generally refers to modules below Bluetooth 4.0
Typically used for data transmission with larger volumes
Examples: voice, music, higher data volume transmission, etc.

Classic Bluetooth modules can be further subdivided into
Traditional Bluetooth modules and High-Speed Bluetooth modules

Traditional Bluetooth modules were introduced in 2004
The main representative is the module supporting the Bluetooth 2.1 protocol
Traditional Bluetooth has 3 power levels
Class1 / Class2 / Class3
Supporting transmission distances of 100m / 10m / 1m respectively

High-Speed Bluetooth modules were introduced in 2009
The speed increased to about 24Mbps
Eight times that of traditional Bluetooth modules

Low Energy Bluetooth Module (BLE)

Generally refers to modules of Bluetooth 4.0 or higher
Bluetooth Low Energy technology is low-cost, short-range
Can operate in the 2.4GHz ISM radio frequency band
Because BLE technology uses a very fast connection method
It can usually be in a “non-connected” state (saving energy)

Android phones with Bluetooth 4.x are all dual-mode Bluetooth (both Classic Bluetooth and Low Energy Bluetooth)

Kotlin + Jetpack Compose Bluetooth App Example

Finally, I wrote an example before, and recently organized it. Those who need it can refer to it You can refer to this article

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