Embrace Wireless: A Guide to Using ADB for Wireless Connection to Android Devices!


This article primarily documents how to use the adb wifi CLI to connect to an Android phone.
It is suitable for users who want to develop and debug in a wireless network environment.
In the past, we often used the features of Android Studio to connect phones, but using adb wifi is also a good method.
Therefore, I specifically searched for related information and compiled it into notes,
for my future reference and to hopefully help other users!

Additionally, Android 11 has introduced another method for testing or debugging:
Cover Unleash the Power of Android 11 ADB Wireless Debug: From Wired to Wireless, Explore a Freer Debugging Experience!

Practical Steps

  1. Ensure the computer and Android phone are on the same local network.
  2. Connect the Android phone to the computer using a USB cable and enable developer mode.
  3. Use the following command to find the phone’s IP address:
adb shell ifconfig
  1. You will find an IP similar to 192.168.xxx.xxx.

  2. Use the following command to switch to TCP/IP mode:
    adb tcpip <port>

    -> You can specify the port yourself.

  3. Finally, use the command:
    adb connect

    (5555 is the port you set earlier) At this point, you can control your phone using adb wifi.

Supplement: Later, I encountered a method to connect to an Android TV, but there was no USB slot available. In this case, you can go to Settings -> Wi-Fi -> find the IP under the same network, so you don’t need to use commands.

Here's a Tip:

Previously, I always used the adb wifi plugin downloaded from Android Studio to connect to the phone (the effect of this plugin is the same as above).
Since the port set by the plugin is always the same,
and others in the company also use the same port settings or the same plugin,
if you don’t change the port,
and your IP happens to be assigned to a colleague’s old IP,
there is a chance that using the command on the same local network,
you can install APKs on your phone through your IP and port.
However, this happens occasionally.
You can use scrcpy to see what others are doing XD (just kidding).

So it’s better to set different ports.

Other Notes
  • Additional details for adb connection below Android 10:
    • To connect using adb connect, you need to connect the USB cable at least once to set your TCP/IP port. After that, you can connect directly with the same IP and port without the cable.

    • Some so-called adb wifi plugins usually have a default port of 5555, so if the phone has already set the adb TCP/IP port, someone on the same network who knows your IP can easily try to connect and control the phone. (Tested here, if adb tcpip is not set, using the default 5555 will be refused) adb-connect.png
    • To disconnect, use adb disconnect <ip>:<port>.
    • It mainly operates under the adb server, using adb kill-server will also disconnect.
    • To find the phone’s local IP, you can use adb shell ifconfig, which will show something similar:
      wlan0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr F0:XX:B7:XX:XX:97
           inet addr:192.168.X01.XXX  Bcast:192.XXX.X01.255  Mask:
           inet6 addr: fe80::fxxxx:x2xx:fee1:7d97/64 Scope: Link
           RX packets:543 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:574 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:198035 TX bytes:125461

      or use this CLI adb shell ip route | awk '{print $9}' to directly get the target IP.

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