[Android Enterprise] In-depth Explanation and Comprehensive Study Notes on Android Enterprise

0. Introduction

  • Android Management API Preparation
    • This API mainly sends requests via HTTP to the EMM console and interacts with apps under EMM devices.
    • Android 6.0+ devices
    • Gmail account for binding (If you encounter enterprise binding issues: reference)
    • Create a Cloud Platform Project
    • Enable Android Management API
      • Similar to other Google API services, enable Android Management API under the project in Google Cloud Platform
    • Setup Guide Reference
  • Android Management API Method to Remove Enterprise
    • Cancel device configuration
      1. Obtain the enterprise device list via HTTP GET curl -X GET https://androidmanagement.googleapis.com/v1/{parent=enterprises/*}/devices Replace {parent=enterprises/*} with the format enterprises/{enterprise-id} Response:

      2. Delete the enterprise device via HTTP DELETE
        curl -X DELETE https://androidmanagement.googleapis.com/v1/{name=enterprises/*/devices/*} Replace name with the name obtained from the previous response

    • Delete the Enterprise from the account
      1. Go to play.google.com/work
      2. Find Admin Settings
      3. Click the icon with three dots
      4. Press Delete Organization to remove the previously created enterprise

  • AMAPI SDK Preparation

    • Import Reference
    • API level 21+ can use this SDK
    • API level 30+ requires additional query fragment settings in Manifest.xml
    • This SDK mainly provides some functions to directly send commands to the Android Device Policy app For example: clear specified package data, monitor command changes, reference

  • Pub/Sub API Preparation
    • A method to receive notifications for new registered devices, device reports, and new issued commands

      1. Enable the Android Management API
      2. Create a topic (create within the console or use projects.topics.create)
      3. Create a subscription (create within the console or use projects.subscriptions.create)
      4. Grant Android Device Policy right (app)
      5. Update the enterprise to support notifications enterprises.patch
      6. Start using to receive notifications
    • Sample code for the API

1. Development

  • Android Management API There are two ways to create an enterprise: Customer-managed enterprises, EMM-managed enterprises

  • Android Management API Unlock Device Password
    • Update via HTTP Patch enterprises.policies For example: curl -X PATCH https://androidmanagement.googleapis.com/v1/{name=enterprises/*/policies/*} -d '{json=ResourcePolicy}'
      The Patch URL {name=enterprises/*/policies/*} should include the corresponding policyID
      The format is enterprises/{enterpriseId}/policies/{policyId}
      The request body {json=ResourcePolicy} should include the corresponding Resource Policy format

  • Android Management API Lock Bottom Bar Buttons
    • Similarly, update via HTTP Patch enterprises.policies, and in the request body, the SystemNavigation can be set to display the bottom bar
    • Must be in kiosk mode
    • The documentation mentions that to enable kiosk mode, set the value of kioskCustomLauncherEnabled
    • Currently, it is seen that it provides options to display only the Home button or to hide both the Home and Overview buttons

  • AMAPI SDK Clear data for a specified package
    • Use LocalCommandClientFactory.create(getContext()).issueCommand(createClearAppRequest(packageNames)
      to remove data for the specified package

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