How to Handle Version Differences in Android 14 Development? Quick Adaptation Guide for Android 14!

Summary of some important changes in the Android 14 platform, all applications will behave differently on this platform
Core Features

  • The system no longer grants precise alarm permissions by default, applications need to apply for them themselves.
    • Android 14 no longer grants the SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permission by default for apps targeting SDK >= 33
      (By default, it is set to deny)
    • This permission was introduced in Android 12 (previous note)

    At that time, it was only necessary to declare it in AndroidManifest.xml Now you need to request permission

    • Request permission steps:
      1. Use AlarmManager.canScheduleExactAlarms() to check for permission
      2. Call an intent containing ACTION_REQUEST_SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM in onResume()
      3. Example:
        override fun onResume() {
           if (alarmManager.canScheduleExactAlarms()) {
               // Set exact alarms.
           else {
               // Permission not yet approved. Display user notice and revert to a fallback  
               // approach.
    • The official recommendation is to remove the use of precise alarms if not necessary: Click here

    • When the application enters the cached state, broadcasts registered by the context will be queued.
      • Broadcasts received at this time will enter the queue and will be returned to the app sequentially the next time the app returns to the foreground or leaves the cached state.
      • Cached state: Simply understood as an app in the background, not currently in the foreground process, so if the system needs memory elsewhere, it can freely terminate these processes as needed.
      • Only context-registered broadcasts will be queued, static registrations will not, such as those added in AndroidManifest.xml.
Application Management
  • Apps can only terminate their own background processes and cannot affect other applications.
    • After targeting SDK 34, you can no longer use killBackgroundProcesses to close other app background processes
    • If your app uses this method to close other app background processes, it may no longer work in the future
  • The MTU setting for the first GATT client requesting MTU is set to 517 bytes and ignores all subsequent MTU requests for that ACL connection.
    • Simply put, after the GATT client in the app creates and connects (BluetoothGatt#connect),
      the first time the API BluetoothGatt#requestMtu(int) is used to set the MTU, the system sets it to 517 bytes
    • Related knowledge: MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit): The maximum amount of data that can be sent in a single packet
      Bluetooth Core Specification 5.2: The official change is mainly to strictly comply with this specification. Click to view the specification
    • If you plan to implement Gatt connection to Bluetooth devices and set MTU in the future, you can refer to: This tutorial
    • If your product actually transmits data with Bluetooth devices,
      due to MTU limitations, you may encounter many situations that need adaptation.
      For example: setting MTU in Gatt, but the target Bluetooth device does not support it, you may need a contingency plan
      Or the Bluetooth device needs to adjust its firmware due to changes in Android 14, etc…
User Experience
  • New permissions allow users to select which photos and videos can be accessed.
    • Android 14 introduces the photo selection permission READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED
    • Using READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED allows users to select which photos and videos can be accessed
      or choose to allow all access. As shown in the image below, two options will appear for the user to choose from:

    • In Android 13, permissions were already refined once,
      using READ_MEDIA_VIDEO and READ_MEDIA_IMAGES to access all photos and videos at once: Previous Android 13 notes
         <!-- Devices running Android 12L (API level 32) or lower  -->
         <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
         android:maxSdkVersion="32" />
         <!-- Devices running Android 13 (API level 33) or higher -->
         <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />
         <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />
         <!-- To handle the reselection within the app on Android 14 (API level 34) -->
         <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED" />
    • The above methods can be adjusted according to needs, but if READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED is not used in Android 14, it will use compatibility mode

    • Compatibility mode: Each time, it will prompt the user to select which photos and videos can be used by the app.
    • The official statement is that this is a way to enhance user privacy.

    • Practical example:
       } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) {
           requestPermissions.launch(arrayOf(READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, READ_MEDIA_VIDEO))
       } else {

      Or see the official permission example: Click here

    • New behavior: Non-dismissible notifications can now be dismissed by users. Official documentation
      • Android 14 has changed this behavior, allowing users to dismiss such notifications
      • In simple terms: Currently using Notification.Builder#setOngoing(true) and NotificationCompat.Builder#setOngoing(true) to set Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT to prevent users from dismissing foreground notifications will no longer work
      • The actual effect will be like this (left: Android 14, right: Android 11):
      • However, the following two situations are still not prohibited:
        1. The phone is locked
        2. The user selects Clear all notifications
      • And the following types are currently not affected:
        1. CallStyle notifications: Simply put, phone-like notifications For example:
          val builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(context, CHANNEL_ID)
              .setContentTitle("Incoming call")
              .setContentText("Caller Name")
              .setFullScreenIntent(fullScreenPendingIntent, true)
              .addAction(R.drawable.ic_accept, "Accept", acceptPendingIntent)
              .addAction(R.drawable.ic_decline, "Decline", declinePendingIntent)
              .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.DecoratedCustomViewStyle())
        2. Becoming a Device Policy Controller (DPC) and supporting software packages
Accessibility Features
  • Non-linear font scaling up to 200%.
    • Refers to Android adjusting system support for text font scaling up to 200%
      Before adaptation, font scaling might cause layout issues.
    • You can adapt using the following methods:
      1. a. Always use sp to set text font size
      2. b. You can also set it programmatically Using TypedValue.applyDimension(): sp to pixel TypedValue.deriveDimension(): pixel to sp
      3. c. (optional) Use sp units for lineHeight: If using dp or px units
        In this case, text cannot scale or may look squeezed
        Set both textSize and lineHeight using sp
        The system will adjust line height and font size according to settings. (Mainly depends on whether your product needs to set line height)
      4. d. Official documentation
    • Testing method: Open Settings > Accessibility > Display size and text In the font size option, click the plus (+) icon to adjust to the maximum scale.
    • It has little impact on compilation, mainly requiring additional adaptation if needed, In older code, you might see font settings using dp, or some code converting dp to pixel, So if encountered, you can change it conveniently, or develop a habit of using the officially recommended solution.
  • The minimum installation requirement for targetSdkVersion API level has been raised to 23.
    • Mainly, after Android 14, only apps with targetSdkVersion >= 23 can be installed.

    • However, if you just want to test during development, you can use the following adb command:
      adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block filename.apk

    • The main purpose of this is to prevent malicious software from using old versions to bypass new security constraints,
      for example: using targetSDK 22 to bypass the permission request restrictions of Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23).

  • The data safety information displayed on Google Play has been adjusted: it mainly displays based on the provided information,
    it will not have a compilation impact on the app, mainly the information displayed on the page after listing,
    you can refer to this URL to see if your app or product needs adjustments: click here
  • System notifications: Now, if an app shares location with a third-party library, users will be notified which apps have shared location with third parties within 30 days.
  • You can use the media storage query to list the OWNER_PACKAGE_NAME field of applications that store specific media files.
    Starting from Android 14, unless at least one of the following conditions is met, the system will mask this value:
    • The application storing the media file has a package name that is always browsable by other applications.
    • The application querying the media storage requests the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission.
Behavior changes for apps targeting Android 14
  • For applications targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher,
    Android 14 will enforce the BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission when calling the BluetoothAdapter#getProfileConnectionState() method.
    • If used, add this permission in AndroidManifest.xml
    • Check if the permission has been granted before use
  • If JobScheduler uses setRequiredNetworkType or setRequiredNetwork,
    it now needs to declare the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission,
    otherwise, it will cause a SecurityException on Android 14 or higher.

  • Restrictions on implicit intents and pending intents: Android 14 adds restrictions on the use of implicit intents.
    • Implicit intents can now only be used on components that are already exported, you can set exported = true, or use explicit intent
      e.g. Use explicit intent or exported = true
    <activity android:name=".MyActivity" android:exported="true">
           <action android:name="com.example.action.APP_ACTION" />
           <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
     // This makes the intent explicit.
     val explicitIntent =
     explicitIntent.apply {
         package = context.packageName
    • When using mutable pending intents without specifying the package name, exceptions may be thrown.
      Example of an exception using a pending intent with FLAG_MUTABLE:
      Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
      PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE);

      Add the package name to avoid exceptions:

       Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
       PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE);
  • Now you need to add the flag RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED to the Broadcast receiver registered in the context,
    to protect the application from security vulnerabilities.
 val receiverFlags = if (listenToBroadcastsFromOtherApps) {
   } else {
   ContextCompat.registerReceiver(context, br, filter, receiverFlags)
  • Files currently using dynamic code loading must be set to read only
    Otherwise, an exception will occur
    This is due to the official consideration of its security
    • Official recommendations for existing loading files can be found here
    • If you must dynamically load code, use the following method
      Set the dynamic file (such as DEX, JAR, or APK file) to read-only immediately before opening and writing any content to it:
     val jar = File("DYNAMICALLY_LOADED_FILE.jar")
     val os = FileOutputStream(jar)
     os.use {
         // Set the file to read-only first to prevent race conditions
         // Then write the actual file content
     val cl = PathClassLoader(jar, parentClassLoader)
  • To prevent zip traversal vulnerabilities
    Now, when using ZipInputStream.getNextEntry(), paths containing .. or / will throw a ZipException
    • If you want to bypass this validation step, you can directly call dalvik.system.ZipPathValidator.clearCallback().

  • USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT: Used to display full-screen notifications on Android 11 and above
    However, on Android 14, it can only be used on call and alarm type apps
    After 2024/05/31, Google Play will revoke apps that use this permission for other purposes.
    • Currently, you can use the API NotificationManager#canUseFullScreenIntent() to check if full-screen notifications can be used.
    • If you do not have permission, you can request the ACTION_MANAGE_APP_USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT permission.

  • Now, when using a foregroundService, you must declare the android:foregroundServiceType attribute
    • This attribute was introduced in Android 10, and now in Android 14, it must be declared, otherwise, an error will occur.
    • The official documentation provides 13 types for developers to declare, refer to documentation
    • The official recommendation is that if it is unrelated to the above types, you can migrate the logic to WorkManager or user-initiated data transfer operations.
    • If you declare using the above types, each type requires different permissions to be declared, for example: for the commonly used mediaProjection in our project, the following steps need to be completed:
      a. Declare android:foregroundServiceType mediaProjection in AndroidManifest.xml
      b. In addition to the original ForegroundService permission, declare the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION permission
      c. Before executing startForeground, use the createScreenCaptureIntent() method to confirm the permission with the user, then start the foreground service.
      d. When calling startForeground, include FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PROJECTION

    • Other types follow similar concepts, but the permissions to be declared or the ServiceInfo to be added will vary depending on the type, please refer to the aforementioned documentation.
    • Besides the above, currently using AirDroid Remote Support to adjust and see, there are several directions to fix this issue a. Use the dataSync type to bypass this issue.
      dataSync does not require additional permissions at runtime, so the original process is less likely to be affected,
      -> Risk: If all are declared as dataSync, it can be modified with less effort in the short term and is less likely to affect the process, but it will be unrelated to the official documentation types.
      (The official documentation explains the responsibilities suitable for different types)
      It was found that dataSync is already noted by the official to be deprecated in the future, as shown in the image

      b. For those requiring additional permissions at runtime, obtain the permissions from the user before executing startForeground in the original process
      For example: mediaProjection requires calling createScreenCaptureIntent() to obtain the mediaProjection permission before startForeground.
      Here is a demonstration
      Update your build sdk version
      Add the following permissions
      Add the foreground service type according to your needs

      -> Actual Issues Encountered: In the Service code I wrote earlier,
      I had already added foregroundServiceType (previously not mandatory),
      and this service has methods that operate actions within the class,
      such as startForegroundService.
      Therefore, according to the official documentation, in Android 14 and above,
      you need to call createScreenCaptureIntent() to obtain permission.
      Although adding the above sample can prevent crashes,
      the expected flow will differ from the original plan,
      requiring additional time to split logic, test, and modify the overall code, etc.
      Since each time you need to obtain the above permission for the foreground service,
      it means that products or solutions that previously used foreground services will need adjustments.

      • Note: 【Runtime】, here refers to the execution of startForeground.
        In practice, if you do not follow the documentation to obtain the corresponding permission before execution, it will cause an exception and crash.
      • Example of a crash is as follows:

        c. Later, cross-tested several scenarios:
      • Declaring multiple foregroundServiceTypes in the Manifest using |.

        And in the source code, providing different types of foregroundServiceType based on different version checks.

      • Tried not adding foregroundServiceType in the source code,
        which would crash and show no FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE permission
        (in the case of declaring multiple types).

        So, I went to test other Services,
        simply adding dataSync in the Manifest,
        even if no foregroundServiceType is entered in the source code, it will not crash.
        But mixing microphone with an empty foregroundServiceType will crash.
        (Left will crash, right runs normally, click to enlarge)

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