Android 15 Beta Version Released! How Should Developers Respond to New Version Restrictions?


Android 15 has recently released its Beta version
The new version is called VanillaIceCream

Here is the roadmap:

For detailed schedule, please refer to: Official Website

All Applications on Android 15 Will Be Affected
Package Behavior Modifications
  • In the class ApplicationInfo
    There used to be a flag named FLAG_STOPPED
    Its behavior indicated whether the app was in a stopped state
    Previously, the stopped state was set when the user force-stopped the application, and the application would remain in this state.

  • On the other hand, to let the system determine that the app has left the stopped state
    Previously, this could be done by the user clicking to open the app or some interactive windows opening the app to change the state

    ↪ Here is the official original text:
    directly launching the app or indirectly interacting with the app.
    (through the sharesheet or a widget, selecting the app as live wallpaper, etc.)
    It indicates that in Android 14, the state could be changed by the user clicking to open the app and some interactive windows indirectly opening the app
    Examples given include sharesheet, widget, selecting as wallpaper, etc.

  • Compared to the latest Android 15 system, the FLAG_STOPPED has the following modifications and extensions.
    1. Now, when the system determines FLAG_STOPPED, it will stop all pending intents operations
    2. When the system detects leaving FLAG_STOPPED, it will send an ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast
      The official statement indicates that developers can use this broadcast to restore pending intents.

    ↪ Here is the official original text explaining the adjustments to FLAG_STOPPED in version 15:
    Apps should only be removed from the stopped state through direct or indirect user action.
    This means that only direct or indirect actions will change the system’s determination of the stopped state

  • From the above, it can be understood that the determination of this state has become stricter

    ↪ However, the original text above does not clearly define what indirect user action means.
    Refer to future updates if encountered

  • Additionally, the Application StartInfo.wasForceStopped() method can be used to determine the above state.
Support for 16 KB Page Sizes
  • The official strategy for RAM usage has been optimized
    Previously, Android only supported 4 KB memory page sizes
    Now it has been increased to 16 KB page sizes
    It is expected to be available on Google Play next year (it is already available on version 15, but it is uncertain whether apps will be required to compile with 16KB at that time ✨)
    The main purpose of increasing the page size is to optimize RAM-intensive tasks, making them more efficient
    However, this is an optimization for software
    It is mainly aimed at ensuring that apps can run smoothly and be compatible when future manufacturers develop larger and more efficient RAM
    Page size is used to represent the unit of operation in memory, usually a power of 2, such as 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, etc.

  • Impact on app developers:
    ↪ If you use Ndk for compilation, or directly or indirectly use SDK for compilation, you may need to reconfigure the app for 16 KB page sizes

    ↪ Projects should not be significantly affected in the short term
    ↪ In the future, when officially launched on Google Play, you may encounter issues related to 16 KB page sizes

✅ If you encounter compatibility issues, you can refer to the official website to adjust the compilation method.

  • To determine if you will be affected, you can use APK Analyzer in Android Studio to check if native code is used in the compilation (or use disassembly to check)
    ↪ Drag the apk into Android Studio
    ↪ Check if any .so files (shared object files) appear in the lib folder
    If they appear, it means your app has native code compiled
    If no lib or .so appears, it means it is likely not native code

✅ The official statement indicates that if native code is used, you need to rebuild the app for 16KB devices.

Here are some preliminary judgment references:
↪ Using any C/C++ (native) code, usually involving NDK or JNI.
↪ Using any third-party libraries that involve native libraries.
↪ Using any third-party builders that use native libraries.

  • The image below shows the performance improvement of the system after optimizing the 16 KB page sizes feature
New Private Space Feature

This feature adds a hidden space for apps or a similar app lock
A password is required to open and access the app
However, the official currently indicates there is a bug

Testing on the emulator also couldn’t find this feature
However, the official mentioned that this feature will restrict app visibility
Because apps in the private space have restricted visibility,
You can check later if there are any issues when putting your app into it
For example: It is uncertain if features like QueryAllPackagesPermission will behave as expected
You can test it later

Minimum Target SDK Changed to 24
  • Similar to the previous Android 14 version, this is to prevent exploiting old APIs
    In Android 15, the target needs to be greater than 24 to install
    You can use the following command to install non-compliant apks

    adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk

UI/UX Adjustments

UI/UX Adjustments
  • Removed predictive back animations from developer options
    And allowed developers to set it in the app

        ... >

    ✅ Check what predictive back animations are: Reference


Routine deprecation of some APIs: Reference API deprecations

Impacts on Apps Targeting Android 15
Adjustments Related to Foreground Services
  • Prohibited from starting the following foreground services during the BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast
    • dataSync
    • camera
    • mediaPlayback
    • phoneCall
    • mediaProjection
    • microphone

↪ Forcing a start will throw ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException

  • Ultimate judgment for dataSync
    ↪ The dataSync service can now only run for 6 hours within a 24-hour period. When the time is up, the system will call Service.onTimeout(int, int)
    At this point, you must call Service.stopSelf() within a few seconds of receiving the timeout
    ↪ If stopSelf is not called when the time is up, an error will occur
    A foreground service of ##fgs_type did not stop within its timeout: ##component_name.
    ↪ When the system calls Service.onTimeout(int, int), the service is no longer considered a foreground service
    ↪ In the current beta2 version, the thrown error is considered an ANR, but it will be changed to an exception in subsequent versions.
    ↪ The above restrictions apply to all dataSync services collectively. For example, if 4 hours of dataSync have already been executed within 24 hours, other dataSync services can only run for 2 more hours ↪ Alternatively, it is recommended to migrate to other methods: Alternative Solutions

  • New foreground service type: mediaProcessing
    ↪ This type follows the same rules as dataSync above
    ↪ The mediaProcessing service can now only run for 6 hours within a 24-hour period. When the time is up, the system will call Service.onTimeout(int, int)
    At this point, you must call Service.stopSelf() within a few seconds of receiving the timeout
    ↪ When the system calls Service.onTimeout(int, int), the service is no longer considered a foreground service
    ↪ The official alternative solutions differ from those for dataSync: Alternative Solutions

  • To reset the timer for the above types, the documentation mentions
    The timer is reset when the user brings the app to the foreground

  • You can also try using special cases

Restrictions on Starting Foreground Services via SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
  • Previously, starting a foreground service via SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW would work even if the app was in the background
    Now an additional step is required: an overlay window must be started via TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY and it must be visible
    ↪ If the new requirement is not met, ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException will be thrown.
Do Not Disturb Mode Behavior Changes
  • Apps targeting SDK Android 15 and above no longer support setting the Do Not Disturb (DND) global state or policy
    ↪ Affects apps that previously set this through setInterruptionFilter(INTERRUPTION_FILTER_ALL)
Changes for OpenJDK 17
  • Android 15 has adjusted the API usage for this, so take note if you are using it
    An exception is now thrown when using the following functions to format strings
    • String.format(String, Object[])
    • String.format(Locale, String, Object[])
    • Formatter.format(String, Object[])
    • Formatter.format(Locale, String, Object[])

↪ When misusing $0, it will throw IllegalFormatArgumentIndexException: Illegal format argument index = 0

  val formattedString = String.format("Name: %1$s, Age: %2$d", name, age);
  val formattedString = String.format("Name: %0$s, Age: %1$d", name, age);
  • Adjustments to the Random class for this issue Now Random.ints() will not return the same value as Random.nextInt() So now you should not expect the two to be ==
    • Random.ints(long)
    • Random.ints(long, int, int)
    • Random.ints(int, int)
    • Random.ints()
Safer Background Activity Launch
  • Since Android 10, background activity launches have been restricted, and Android 15 adds additional controls to prevent malicious background apps from bringing other apps to the foreground.
  • A new flag can now be set to prevent a background activity from opening another app’s activity

    <application android:allowCrossUidActivitySwitchFromBelow="false" >

    The actual modification is: if the activity to be opened and the top app in the stack do not match in UID, it cannot be opened ↪ Used to prevent an app from opening another different app

  • Other restrictions on background activity launches
    • Now PendingIntent defaults to blocking background activity launches
User Experience UI Improvements
  • This adjustment is aimed at improving user experience, briefly described here:
    • Edge-to-edge enforcement: Enforced edge-to-edge, on Android 15 the screen will be forced to inset from the edges However, it is mentioned that using material 3 will not be affected, and testing shows that apps using material 3 indeed have the same UI as before

      Other UIs that may be affected should be noted

      ↪ The third image above shows adjustments made using windowInsets.getInsets or similar
      Alternatively, you can use material 3

    • elegantTextHeight attribute defaults to true: The elegantTextHeight attribute defaults to true

    • Stable configuration: Adjustments to configuration-related behaviors, which may affect screen orientation and system bar size judgments
      Click here to see
    • Locale-aware default line height for EditText: Adjusts the height of EditText based on different languages

      ✅ Check if the changes are acceptable
      To cancel, you can directly set the useLocalePreferredLineHeightForMinimum attribute to false
    • TextView width changes for complex letter shapes: Adjustments to the default text width assignment rules
      Giving more space to complex letters
      ✅ To disable/enable, directly set the attribute setShiftDrawingOffsetForStartOverhang
  • For other UI/UX details, refer to the more complete information here: Click here
New Camera and Media Restrictions
  • To request audio focus, it must now be the top app or an audio-related foreground service, otherwise it will return AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED.
  • Currently, the following are considered audio-related foreground services:
    • mediaPlayback
    • camera
    • microphone
    • phoneCall
      ✅ Learn about audio focus Click here to view
Updated non-SDK restrictions
  • Regular version updates include: Click here to view
    Non-SDK: Java methods within the scope. These interfaces are internal implementation details of the SDK and may be modified at any time without notice to developers.

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