[App Development] Use AIDL for Inter-process Communication in Android Apps!

Introduction to AIDL

What is AIDL?

Sometimes you want to communicate from process A to process B.
In this case, you can use AIDL to communicate between different processes.

For example:

  1. It can be used for communication between two apps.
  2. It can be used for communication between an app and the native kernel layer (but you must build AOSP and put the written application into the underlying layer).
  3. Or communication between an app and a service… etc.

Additionally, AIDL is a commonly used IPC solution.
I have also written another article summarizing common IPC solutions.
If needed, you can refer to it:

AIDL Implementation

Step 1: Define the AIDL Interface
  • In this step, you can write freely in a notebook.
    Or you can use an IDE to write (here I am using Android Studio).
    As long as it is a place where you can type, you can write.

    Next, define what interfaces your AIDL will expose.
    For example, if you want a function to get all update lists,
    you can create an interface similar to getUpdateList.
    If you want to get the status, write a getStatus interface.
    And so on…

  • Finally, you need to save the file with the extension .aidl.

Step 2: Implement the Service
  • After completing the above AIDL interface,
    you need to build it.
    You can use the CLI
    ./gradle build to build it,
    or use the Build > Rebuild Project option in Android Studio to build it.

  • After building, a .java file with the same name will be generated.

  • Usually, in an Android app, you will use a Service to call the AIDL interface.
    So first, extend the Service and override the necessary lifecycle methods.
    An example is as follows:

  • Next, add the AIDL instance generated after the build to the same service:

Tip: The AIDL interface and Service package path must be the same, otherwise it will not compile successfully

The three images below are illustrative:




Step 3: Add Service to Manifest.xml

Add the Service from Step 2 to AndroidManifest.xml and add an action

The action here corresponds to the action that will be used in Step 5 to bind the ServiceConnection
action android:name="elegant.access.service.IRSSmartService"

Step 4: Implement Intent bind service
  • Here you can start to add your AIDL interface + implement the service that instantiates AIDL
    for other cross-process apps or different layers to use
    In Android, you can directly start it with an Intent wherever you need
    Refer to Steps 5~7 for details
(Optional) Step 5 - Other Use Cases
  • If you want to use your AIDL Service at the application layer, you can refer to the code below
    Just use Intent to bind the AIDL service
    Then you can directly operate the methods already implemented inside
    For example:
  • If you want to use it in the non-application layer
    Here is a shared experience: previously encountered a project that required defining the AIDL interface at the application layer
    but the actual use was to be placed in the framework kernel layer (coincidentally, the project was doing OTA)
    So if you are also
    just need to open the AIDL interface
    This way, you can complete it by just doing Step 3
    Then see if the layer you want to implement supports AIDL
    For example: in my encountered project, we were doing OTA ourselves
    able to define a custom binder
    So I wrote a service that connected to the AIDL interface using C#
    Then just bind it at the app layer
    Here, we used reflection to bind the service written in the kernel
    Binding example:
Note: Use this only if you have the need to develop at the lower layer. If it's for app implementation of AIDL, just use the previous one
Note 2: Android officially updated the reflection policy after Android 9, not sure if this can still be used, because at that time the target version for the OTA model was 5~8, you can test it yourself

(Optional) Step 6 - Other Use Cases: Limited AIDL Support Types

  • Here, because the project had some specific return value requirements
    such as Calendar
    but AIDL originally did not support this type
    so I defined another abstract layer
    When I implement it, I just need to remember to add logic in the middle
(Optional) Step 7 - Other Use Cases: Package AIDL into a Jar File
  • At that time, the requirement was to directly build a jar file using groovy syntax
    so that other processes could use it directly
    You can do it like this:

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