Implementation Guide: How to Successfully Integrate Huawei HMS Core 4.0 SDK in an Android App


  • In past projects, there have been
    requests from clients to integrate the Huawei SDK.
    I happened to have made some notes before,
    so I organized them now
    to share with everyone!
    Overall development
    is actually quite similar to Google GMS XDD

Integrating HMS

Step 1: Register an Account
Step 2: Create an Application in the Console
  • This step is quite similar to other platforms.
    You can create it through the user interface.
    Next, you need to enable the API permissions you want to use.
    This is also done in the console.
Step 3: Generate a Signature
  • This step is quite similar to Google.
    You can use the tool within AS to generate it directly.
    After generating, use the command
    keytool -list -v -keystore <keystore-file>
    keystore-file: Here you need to input the certificate path.
    Then paste the generated Sha256 hash into the configuration of the app you just created in the Huawei console.

Step 4: Configure the Signature
  • After generating the signature,
    you can download agconnect-services.json from the Huawei console.
    Then start adding it to your project.

  • This image shows the configuration of the project at that time.
    Because the product requirement was
    to be able to build different vendor configurations when building the project,
    and also to support Google services if someone has installed GMS on their Huawei phone,
    the configuration is as shown below.


    Of course, during actual project development,
    it is better to communicate with your team members.

  • Because many function names in HMS are the same names as in GMS XD,
    it is better to distinguish them clearly during development.
    Whether starting from configuration or code separation,
    otherwise, it will be very troublesome to maintain later.
    If the coupling is too high and difficult to separate, then…

Step 5: Add Project Configuration
  • Next, add it to the Android project.
    Configure maven {url ''} in the build gradle.

  • Then import the required HMS kit into the project.
    Here, taking HMS map as an example.
    Now you can officially start development!

Sharing Small Differences Encountered While Developing for Huawei
  • Small differences between Hms and Gms maps
    As mentioned earlier, the function names of HMS and GMS are extremely similar
    So if you’ve used GMS before, you should be able to get the hang of it quickly (?
    However, I happened to be luckier
    During development, I encountered
    some slight differences
    Cover Cover

    When setting the polyline, the thickness set by the same constant was different
    For example, googlePolylineOption.width(5) vs huaweiPolylineOption.width(5) The actual effect was different

    So not all logic can be directly applied XDD It’s best to check!!

    Finally, it had to be changed like this to be the same

  • Small differences in push notifications
    Mainly the subclass inheritance is different
    Other than that, the usage is the same
    But I’m sharing this because
    when developing other Huawei features before
    the method and class names were almost identical XD

To Summarize

  • Apart from the package names being slightly different
    and a few functions being slightly different
    overall, the usage of the SDKs from both companies is not very different

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