ChatGPT Tutorial - Integrating Line Bot with Open AI ChatGPT

Introduction: Chat with ChatGPT

1. Register an account, click Sign Up to register: ChatGPT Login Page

2. Create your Account

3. Start chatting, enter your question in the dialogue box below

4. For example... Predicting the 2023 WBC Championship

5. Or... How to write a prediction program in Kotlin?

⬆ It looks like ChatGPT provided an example for predicting weight based on height, which seems quite decent

This powerful AI can answer all sorts of questions, but how can you make it work for you? Let's continue...
Try Integrating the ChatGPT API
1. Register an account and get API keys: OpenAI Login Page

⬆ After clicking, you will see the above interface by clicking on the avatar in the top right corner. Click View API keys

⬆ Click Create new Security key, this key will be used to verify your identity when calling the API

2. Next, you can check the official API documentation: OpenAI API Documentation

Refer to the documentation to see how to integrate, and follow the instructions provided in the documentation.

However, if you have some experience with curl or API requests, you can directly find the curl examples provided by the official documentation and convert them into the language you are familiar with.

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_API_KEY" \
-d '{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 7}'

⬆ A quick introduction to the meaning of the above curl command:
1. The URL we need to send the request to is
2. If you want to break it down further, you can see it as the domain name and the API endpoint v1/completions
3. The part in the middle with -H is the Header
Content-Type: application/json indicates that the format of our request body should be JSON
Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_API_KEY is the API key you need to use to authenticate with the OpenAI API
This is the key we generated earlier
4. -d '{....}' The -d at the end is the JSON format to be sent to the endpoint, and the content inside the {} is the JSON data to be sent
5. Simple JSON key explanation:
model: This is the model of ChatGPT. The official documentation provides different models for integration,
each with its own maximum tokens, pricing, and reliability. You can test them according to the documentation: GPT-3 model documentation

prompt: This is the question you want to ask, similar to what you would input directly into the ChatGPT web chat,
but now you are sending the request programmatically
max_tokens: This is the maximum number of tokens you want to limit for this request,
as the official pricing is likely based on the number of tokens,
so you can use max_tokens to control the usage,
which might be useful for those who plan to use the API long-term to manage their usage.

(Note: The tokens here are used by the official documentation to calculate usage and billing, and are not the same as the tokens commonly used for authentication.)

3. At this point, you have obtained everything you need to integrate with the OpenAI API...

You can start developing the API using the language you are familiar with.

Kotlin program for integrating with the OpenAI API

⬆ Here, I prefer to extract reusable code into separate files, such as ChatGptAPI.kt, ChatGptCompletionRequest.kt, ChatGptCompletionResult.kt, etc.
Since this is not a large project, I didn't bother writing thread operations myself.
I used the simplest built-in Callback of Retrofit,
which already handles the switching between UI Thread and sub Thread.

⬆ This mainly uses Retrofit to separate the integration endpoints.

⬆ This is where you create an HTTP connection class

4. After completing the above steps, you have successfully integrated the ChatGpt API~

Now you just need to call the LineBot chatroom API at the place where you successfully called the ChatGpt API
to send the returned message to the actual Line chatroom you are using.

Start Creating a LineBot Account
1. Apply for a Line Bot account: First, you need to apply for a Line Bot account at the Line Bot Developer Center and create a new Line Bot Channel.

Click this link to apply or log in directly with your Line account: Line Business ID

2. Configure the Line Bot Channel: After creating the Line Bot Channel, you need to configure the basic information of the Channel, Webhook, Messaging API, Line Login, and other functions.

After registration, enter this screen and click Create to create a new chatroom:

After creation, go to this page and click Create a Messaging API Channel to enable the messaging API for the Line bot:

Enter the information as shown in the picture below

After entering the information
Remember to check the agreement and create

3. After creation, you can see your Channel secret and Channel access token on the Basic Setting and Messaging API pages respectively.

These two keys are needed to call the LineBot related interfaces

4. Next, refer to the official LineBot API documentation to see how to integrate: LineBot Messaging API Documentation

5. At this point, you have obtained everything needed to connect to the LineBot API...

You can start developing the API using the language you are familiar with

Connecting to the LineBot API with Kotlin

⬆ This is similar to the process of connecting to ChatGPT earlier, also using Retrofit

⬆ Extracted Line Messaging interface

6. At this point, the simple connection is complete.. You can start deploying the code to the server

You can use some cloud servers or set up a server on your local IP to upload the written code
You can start your LineBot connection to the ChatGPT service
After that, repeatedly test your online features for bugs and perform subsequent maintenance
The rest is up to you to explore, give it a try!

Final Result

How to deploy to LineBot after development is complete?
1. Once development is complete, you just need to open your code interface and deploy it to the server, then provide the Webhook URL to the Line Developer backend

Here, go back to the Line Developer page
Enter the Messaging API page
Input your open interface

⬆ Update your URL to the Line backend

⬆ After inputting, you can check if your server is connected

⬆ The result after clicking Verify, if there is an error, it will feedback an error code

2. Here I use Kotlin's Ktor to develop my own backend, such as..

⬆ Open a /line_callback interface

3. I recommend a free online server: ngrok

Because this has a low entry threshold, it is very suitable for beginners.
Just follow the official website documentation.
It almost painlessly helps you convert a local port into an external URL.
Quite convenient.

⬆ After logging in, you will see the ngrok dashboard. At this point, just follow the steps above.
1. Download the zip and install it.
2. Copy and enter the command above in the command line (Linux/mac) / DOS (Windows).
3. Finally, select a port to convert to an external port.

4. After converting the port with ngrok, you will see the following screen.

5. Go back to the Line Developer backend and enter the URL to complete the integration.

6. Sample Code

ChatGpt + LineBot

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