Developing an App with Jetpack Compose for Android【01】 - Initial Setup

  • It’s been 2~3 years since I last posted an article related to Jetpack compose

    During this period, I occasionally touched upon it
    But I never systematically studied it

    Recently, I had the opportunity to develop an entire project using Compose
    So after some exploration
    I have some insights to share

    I’ve decided to write this process down as notes to share with everyone
Project Setup
  • First, I will decide which libraries to use this time
    This time, I chose to challenge myself with the latest official recommendations

  • Some of these libraries are also the latest versions applied when creating a new project in AS
    Such as material3, kts+toml configuration, jetpack compose, etc.
    Additionally, I previously shared issues encountered during toml migration
    If interested, you can check it out

  • The actual plan is as follows:

gradle.kts + toml
okhttp + retrofit2
material 3
jetpack compose
Implementing Compose Themes
  • Previously, when using XML, I would add color codes to colors.xml
    Then place the color resource ID into styles.xml to achieve dark mode theme configuration

    Now with compose, you can configure the app’s theme through .kt
    You can configure it according to the needs of each project
    Personally, I prefer to set ColorScheme, shape, typography, statusBarColor, navigationBarColor, etc., based on UX/UX design drafts
    Rather than designing each page individually
    This saves a lot of repetitive development time
step1. Add compose-related libs and material3

Import as needed
The actual usage of toml is written like this: implementation(libs.androidx.material3)
Place it in your build.gradle.kts(:app)

  • tips: The multiple libraries above support automatic mapping of corresponding library versions when importing androidx-compose-bom, so you don’t necessarily need to input version.ref
step2. Configure a common Theme including color, shape, typography

Here is the documentation on Material 3 theme documentation

step3. Actual Use of Theme

Here we set up the status bar, navigation bar, theme, etc.
The colorscheme is applied from the previous implementation Use in Activity or Screen:

(Optional) step4. Create a Universal Toolbar
  • Here we create a universal toolbar
    Because usually when a UI/UX designer provides the design
    Most of the time the toolbar will have a similar effect
    I would write a universal toolbar based on the design draft
    You can decide whether you need to do this step
    As follows:
    Here is the actual use of MainAppBarConfig
    The main thing is to add the desired style or click response in MainAppBarConfig
    Then put it in the topBar of the Scaffold
  • This is the end of the first part
    The main thing is to lay a solid foundation
    Future development will be very convenient and efficient!

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